In June 2024, I started a 4-week project to photograph the area around the village where I live. With the aim of encouraging people to find 30 minutes a day to take photos, I set out to explore the area within walking distance of my house. Here's how I got on in week 1.
Monday 24th June 2024
Distance walked: 3.5 miles
I've been planning this project for a couple of weeks, so it was good to get started this morning. I felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. I start far more projects than I finish, so I'm worried this will be another that I don't see through.
The weather was absolutely beautiful! If anything, a little too bright for photography. But after a disappointing spring, I'm not complaining.
I think I have made a decent start. Despite following a route I know well, I found a new composition. I'll return when the light is a little easier to work with.
Tuesday 25th
Distance walked: 3 miles
I have to be honest, yesterday left me feeling a little flat. Whenever I'm planning a new project, I always have such high expectations. However, once I get started, reality sets in and it becomes clear that my talent falls some way short.
Fortunately, things always look better after a good night's sleep. This morning I set off with renewed optimism and was rewarded with close-to-perfect conditions. I'm hardly prolific, but did I manage a handful of photos that I think will be good enough for the final set of 28.
Even better, I have a couple of ideas I can return to when the cloud cover is heavier. I did think this project would be an opportunity to take a more reactionary approach to my photography. I guess my methodical approach is going to be harder to shake off than I first thought. Perhaps that's not a bad thing.
Wednesday 26th
Distance walked: 4 miles
Another beautiful morning, I could not have hoped for a better start to the project. With rain forecast for tomorrow and Friday, it might be a case of "making hay while the sun shines".
Today's walk was very productive. It is a route I have driven many times, but you notice so much more when you're on foot.
I managed four miles today; two miles out and two miles back. The point where I turned around marks the start of a network of footpaths that I think will have huge scope for photography. Hopefully, I get the opportunity to explore them as my fitness levels improve.
Thursday 27th
Distance walked: 4 miles
I cannot deny that this project has started well. However, as I look at the photos I have produced already, I am concerned I am going to run out of (obvious) subjects sooner rather than later. I think, I have 2 options:
- Look for more intimate compositions
- Push myself to walk further to find new subjects
As the project aims to encourage me to get more exercise, the second option would seem to make more sense. However, I had hoped it would be an opportunity to develop a more intimate style.
The problem is, looking for smaller scenes takes more time. I need to slow down and pay more attention to my surroundings. As usual, success probably lies in striking the right balance.
Friday 28th
Distance walked: 3.5 miles
I knew at some point during this project, the weather would become a problem. But so far, I have been lucky with the weather. The forecast for this morning was rain but fortunately, the forecast was wrong (and not for the first time!)
Although it is early days, I think the project is having a positive effect. I feel a little lighter, both physically and mentally. This is encouraging and I am inclined to push myself a little further this weekend.
So far, I am pleased with the photos I have produced, but I have noticed that a few compositional errors have started to creep in. Mistakes I would not normally make. Could it be I am missing my tripod?
Saturday 29th
Distance walked: 6 miles
I found myself walking much further today than I had planned, maybe because it was Saturday and I had a bit more time on my hands. I ended up exploring some footpaths that I otherwise would never have bothered with. The further into the project I get, the more I am discovering the potential of this area.
In all honesty, I might have overdone it a bit today. In my youth, 6 miles would have been a doddle, but not anymore. As I head towards the big 5-0, my body (particularly my knees) is starting to show the signs of five decades of abuse.
The last few years have taken their toll on my fitness and today's excursions have left me feeling sore. Perhaps I'll take it a bit easier tomorrow. After all, with 24 miles under my belt already this week, I only need 2 more to complete my marathon!
Sunday 30th
Distance walked: 2 miles
Last night, we were up till gone midnight watching Coldplay at Glastonbury. Despite the late finish, I was still up at 04:00 this morning as usual. My pace was slow and I managed just enough to clock up my target of 26 miles in the first week.
Overall, I am happy with the progress I've made. However, when I look at how I am doing against my target of 28 photos in 28 days, I am a little bit behind and have some catching up to do!
This is partly because of the mistakes I've made with some compositions. Next week, I need to slow down and take more care with each shot. I also need to concentrate on more intimate scenes.